"If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

Jesus says that just knowing the truth will set you free. Free from anxiety, free from death, free from fear. Anything that holds you back is a deception. Do we know the truth? If we know it, do we believe it. The truth is that God loves us so much that He gave us Jesus his son so that we can be free. Jesus died so that we could have Holy Spirit inside us. The same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead is inside all Christians through baptism. When we surrender our heart and obey Holy Spirit we can do everything Jesus did and greater. Through these signs and wonders, God can open hearts to evangelization.


Door to Door Ministry

Twice a month our group goes out 2 by 2, door to door, to share the gospel of Jesus and pray with people in their homes. We strive to visit every person within the parish boundaries at least once a year.


Intercessory Prayer

We all have a difficult and narrow path to follow.  We need Jesus to help us every step of the way.  For help, we pray for the whole parish and the people that we will meet and have a group praying for us that we may only do the will of God.  



Parish Welcome

No one should feel alone as they join a new church.  We call all new parishioners, welcoming them to the parish and introducing them to the church and the various ministries and groups which might interest them.  A welcome visit is planned if possible at their homes.