Encounter Ministries-www.encounterministries.us- This is a great website with powerful radio and video testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit in evangelization though words of knowledge, prophecy and healing.
St Catherine of Siena Institute- www.siena.org- This was cofounded by Sherry Waddell who wrote the book "Forming Intentional Disciples". There is a called and gifted program which can help people to discover their Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We strongly recommend you take the Spiritual Inventory to help you on your journey.
Real Life Catholic- www.reallifecatholic.com -Chris Stefanick is a true lay disciple of Jesus. His gift of evangelization has helped bring countless people to Christ. This website has some of the best videos and articles for evangelization that exist. They can be sent far and wide via email to help open people's hearts to our lord.
Renewal Ministries- www.renewalministries.net -A Holy Spirit guided missionary ministry run by Sister Ann Sheilds and Ralph Martin. Sister Ann has a daily radio show where she gives her wisdom about the daily readings. Very inspiring! Also a great number of spiritual books to prepare you for the New Evangelization.
Father Larry Richards- thereasonforourhope.org -Fr Larry is a very engaging speaker and gives wonderful homilies which you can get on this website all the way back to 2003, over 300, 10 minute homilies in all. Great for a quick inspiration while in the car or anywhere. Can also subscribe via iTunes to his podcasts. If you join, you get a free copy of his 45 min talk "the Truth" which you can email to people. This discusses the Truth of this world and the next.
FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students)- www.FocusEquip.org- Have a great lineup of education for disciples, videos and inspirational materials. My favorite is Tabitha by Jeff Cavins. This shows what happens when you follow the Holy Spirit!
Ascension Presents- Click here -A large number of videos by well known Catholic evangelists on a variety of topics.